Anne Marie - PM me for the permissions.
Juan Viejo2
JoinedPosts by Juan Viejo2
Elder Just Told His Son I Am Sick Of This Religion !! And Reveals His Secret
by Hairyhegoat inthis was a very moving story just posted on another ex jw site please read it's good .
elder reveals his secretjanuary 28th, 2011. by shadow elder, jr.. a few weeks ago, my father and i were out working together in the door-to-door preaching work.
that morning only four of us showed up at the kingdom hall my dad and i, and a married brother and sister.
A Concerned Elder Speaks
by Franklin Massey ina lot of talk has centered around information dispensed at the recent km schools.
many brothers feel there is a "tightening up" taking place.
i had a recent experience that you may find interesting.. after the meeting i was working with our cobe on some congregation tasks when out of nowhere he said, "have you looked up any extra information about higher education since the km school?
Juan Viejo2
Mad Sweeney - did you get my PM?
Well the JWC@fe is no more...
by serenitynow! ini tried to find it, but it's gone.
as well as the jehovah's witness fb page.
it seems in the recent weeks those sites became "overrun" with apostates and were no longer encouraging.
Juan Viejo2
Wasblind - thanks for the update. Makes total sense why they would start using it.
Just wondering, though. Is it in common use now among JWs? Or is this something specific to the younger generation or to a particular geographic area?
Hello Everyone!!!
by Crank!!! inthis is my very first post here at jwn.
i have been "lurking" here for a few months as i have slowly faded over the past year.
so i figured it was time to become a full blown jw opposer, and i tell you it couldnt feel better!.
Juan Viejo2
Crank, Welcome!
You'll learn far more about the JW religion here than you ever did at a Kingdom Hall or going to an assembly.
And that's the Truth!
Fallout 2014
by wobble income 2014 even some dubs must start to ask wtf jesus has been doing for one hundred years, and there is a big potential for many to leave.. what more will the wt bull**it (writing) department come out with to keep the poor little drones feeding the hive, and maintaining the gb's rock-star life-style ?.
the over-lapping generation tripe will be getting on for five years old by then, surely "noo lite" will shine that makes the big a even closer or somesuch ?.
come on chaps, those poor saps in writing need your best ideas.
Juan Viejo2
Thanks to Six Screens of the Watchtower, and some other sites, I can't look at a JW publication graphic any longer without seeing subliminal images.
It is very curious the way they draw the folds in their characters' clothes. As someone has mentioned on an earlier post, look at any photo and you will rarely if ever see horizontal or angular folds, especially when someone is standing up. Folds tend to be vertical and creases and wrinkles will tend to disappear as the cloth is pulled down by gravity.
I know, this is off subject, but hey - I saw porn! I know I did!
Fallout 2014
by wobble income 2014 even some dubs must start to ask wtf jesus has been doing for one hundred years, and there is a big potential for many to leave.. what more will the wt bull**it (writing) department come out with to keep the poor little drones feeding the hive, and maintaining the gb's rock-star life-style ?.
the over-lapping generation tripe will be getting on for five years old by then, surely "noo lite" will shine that makes the big a even closer or somesuch ?.
come on chaps, those poor saps in writing need your best ideas.
Juan Viejo2
Is that image of JC in his throne from a WT graphic? I just wondered because I think I see some porn buried in it. Of course I see porn in everything - even porn. Let me take a closer look...
Looks to me like a tiny naked lady lying in his lap !
Jesus has two left hands!!!
That proves that no one can "sit on the right hand of Jesus," because he doesn't have a "right hand!"
Since the numbers of those partaking are increasing......
by justmom in........and not decreasing, and 1935 hasn't shut up the heavenly hope..... then maybe folks are hearing the invitation at john 6:35-59....... "i am the bread of life!
he that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood (communion) has everlasting life, and a resurrection.
unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.
Juan Viejo2
They have so many classes and rankings now that they've given up even trying to use the word "class" anymore. -- Mad Sweeney
Mad Sweeny - you have a PM
Made up field service experience at yesterday's Public Talk
by RULES & REGULATIONS inremember the made up stories of witnesses in djibouti,africa where they had to walk 2 days in alligator infested waters with no shoes in the blazing sun to attend the meetings?
they made it to the meetings in these terrible conditions.. talk about made up stories!
here is a field service experience that was told at yesterday's public talk which would fall into the made up stories!.
Juan Viejo2
TV evangelists often come up with the same type of far fetched tales.
Remember the "farting TV preacher"? I use to watch him all the time in Dallas, TX. He was on several channels at various times of the day. He'd tell people to put their hands on the TV screens and connect to him and be healed (it was a video delay of course, he wasn't at the other end).
He would tell these tall tales of someone who was broke and destitute. They'd get their Social Security or welfare check and after cashing it would send half of it to him. Within days they would win the lottery or collect an old debt that they'd forgotten or some outlandish tale.
One time they had this woman on that told her similar story. She could barely scratch together enough to buy milk and bread for her five children. So she took $50 and sent it to the "farting TV preacher." (I'm sure that's what any sane person would do when their children were starving!?!)
Within days, someone from the county came by and said, "Hey, we forgot to pay you for the utility easement across your property. Here's our check for $10,000!" Right. That's exactly how a government entity or utility would pay for an easement - if and when they'd ever pay. Of course she is telling this story while sitting in a house that is tastefully furnished and beautifully decorated. How many people who are down to their last $100 and supporting five kids would live in a house like that? Obviously the impression they were trying to leave was that this woman suddenly went from poverty to wealth just by sending in her last $50.
Of course the "farting TV preacher" went on and on about how God feeds the birds, etc. blah, blah, blah...
The Watchtower shows their true colors by making up and publishing these totally bogus stories. But the JW must accept them as fact or else. Accept a lie or be DF'd. That is their choice. But the rest of us don't have to buy their crap.
The Gloves Are Off - Its Official Round 1 has just taken place .. !!!!
by sleepingbeauty ini woke up today a right grumpy basket case.... not a good day for the jehovah's witness to call on me to do there usual shepherding call, bringing me the usual mags of shite!
i stood there on the doorstep in my pj's, care free and all fired up.
i was asked how i was doing & then informed that they had my latest mags.
Juan Viejo2
Oh happy day! Free at last!
My Letter To the Watchtower
by AiAi inthis is an exact copy of my letter to the watchtower.
it never recieved a reply (i did not include 'attn writing committee' in the address however).
please keep in mind that when i wrote this i had just started my intensive research into their beliefs/history, and despite my agressive tone i really did expect a satisfactory answer.
Juan Viejo2
AiAi - You have a PM